Sunday, November 7, 2010

Long and Overdue

It's been quite a while since this site has been updated, and I apologize for that. Being a music major means you have very little time on your hands, and what little time I had was spent on facebook. Go me!

This is just an update to show the world that yes, I am alive and many new postings will be happening, especially since I will be finishing up student teaching in a couple of weeks. I'll have some tips on Music Major Dos and Donts, Student Teaching Dos and Donts and many strategies that I have learned throughout the years.

I've learned a great deal from student teaching, and I want to share my good and bad days with those who are terrified of that part of their education. I might even upload some easy lesson plan guides for those who are struggling with the idea of creating lesson plans.

Hope everyone is doing well and I'll report back soon!